AM2 Pre-Assessment Preparation Day
Please be aware that attending Beau Associates is a revision session only. It is expected that candidates will have prior knowledge and good practical skills before applying for their AM2/S/E examination.
Course details
We advise all candidates to use the NET resources online prior to their exam, these can be accessed through the link below. The resources are designed by NET to provide an insight into the AM2/S/E exam. We also advise candidates to practice online exams to enhance their knowledge of 18th Edition Wiring Regulations and Building regulations, practice exams can be found online, all of these resources are free of charge.
NET Resources
For learners who would like to attend the Centre for an intensive day of pre-exam support we offer the training listed below.
Overview of AM2/S/E test
Briefing of what is involved in the AM2/S/E assessment
Common points to be considered and common reasons for failure
An overview of each of the areas below will be delivered on the day. Learners who require more in-depth information/practice should consider an individual taught session or improving their practice in the workplace following a demonstration by the tutor.
Risk assessment
Safe isolation
Fault finding practice / Fault finding terminology
Testing practice and procedures
Heating system practice
Install different cable types
Course cost
This is a 1 day course from 9:00- 16:00, the cost is £150 +VAT
Readiness for assessment
We recommend that you use these checklists as a working document and carefully review each section, noting where further practical experience or knowledge is required.
If gaps are identified, additional training or experience is recommended before taking the assessment.
If you can’t confidently tick at least “Adequate” for every statement in terms of both Knowledge and Practical Experience, it’s unlikely that you are sufficiently prepared to pass the assessment.
Readiness for assessment checklists:
AM2E (If you haven't already got AM2)
AM2E (if you have already got AM2)
NET services provide answers to common AM2 questions here: AM2 FAQs
Get in touch
If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to book your place on a course please get in touch here
Or phone the centre on 0161 339 8229